Briefmarken zur Eisenbahnthematik Eisenbahnbrücken von Horst Brix |
![]() Sydney Harbour Bridge |
![]() Köln, Dombrücke und Hauptbahnhof |
![]() Freundschaftsbrücke über den Niagara |
![]() Victoria Falls Bridge |
![]() Göltzachtalviadukt |
Innerhalb des Sammelgebietes
Eisenbahnthematik auf Briefmarken gibt es verschiedene Gebiete, die
bisher von der philatelistischen Literatur vernachlässigt wurden. Es
sind dies die Bahnhöfe, Eisenbahnfähren, Eisenbahnbrücken,
geflügelten Räder, Persönlichkeiten, Jubiläen, Eisenbahnstrecken auf
Karten und Tunnel. Für mich waren die Angaben in den Katalogen zu diesen Gebieten
zu oberflächlich oder ungenau. Ich habe daher versucht, soweit wie möglich die
einzelnen Marken vollständig zu erfassen und die nachweisbaren
Dokumentationen für die einzelnen Marken zusammenzutragen. (Die Liste
soll bei endgültiger Fertigstellung, wie alle meine Listen, alle
Katalog Nummern aus Michel, Scott, Stanley Gibbons, Yvert und den
nationalen oder Spezialkatalogen enthalten.)
Um klarzustellen, was in dieser Liste erfaßt wird, möchte ich am Anfang erst einmal den Begriff der Eisenbahnbrücke definieren: Definition: Eine Eisenbahnbrücke muß in Planung, Bau und Betrieb dem Eisenbahnverkehr dienen. Das bedeutet im Einzelnen für die eisenbahnthematische Sammlung und diese Liste:
Über Kritik und Kommentare zu dieser Liste würde ich mich sehr freuen, denn bei aller Sorgfalt übersieht man doch immer wieder etwas oder es schleichen sich Fehler ein. Schicken Sie mir einfach eine e-mail. Besonders bedanken möchte ich mich hier bei den Sammlerfreunden Wolfgang
Beier, Arthur N. Dyson, Wolfgang Joeckel, Hans-Josef Kirsch, Wilhelm
Leopold (Motivgruppe Ingenieurbauten), Rolf Möbius und Ch. Marx
die mir durch schnelle und umfassende Information die Arbeit sehr
erleichtert und überhaupt erst möglich gemacht haben. Literatur
Achtung: Die folgende Liste besteht aus zwei Teilen. Einem ersten Teil, der die Marken mit Eisenbahnbrücken ausweist und einem zweiten Teil, der Marken mit Brücken listet, die nach Angaben von Katalogen, Hinweisen u.a. Eisenbahnbrücken sein sollen, die ich aber noch bezweifle:
Abkürzungen: Abkürzungen vor den Katalognummern gefolgt jeweils von einem Leerzeichen:
Abkürzungen hinter den Ländernamen:
Within the assembly area railway topic on stamps gives it different areas, which were neglected so far by the philatelic
literature. There is this the stations, train ferries, railway bridges, winged wheels, personalities, anniversaries, railroad
lines on cards and tunnels. For me the specification was too superficial or inaccurate in the catalogs to these areas. I tried
therefore, as far as possible those to enter individual labels completely and the provable To gather documentations for the
individual labels. (that Schwaneberger publishing house does not have me a license for the use of the Michel Numbers
given ) I will put in front to each label my own numbering and in the course of the time the exact date of issue will add.
In order to get straight, which is entered in this list, I would like to define the term of the railway bridge at the start only
A railway bridge must in planning, building and operation that Serve eisenbahnverkehr. That means in detail for those
railway topic desks collection and this list:
A bridge, which serves today only the eisenbahnverkehr, is a railway bridge.
A bridge, which serves today the eisenbahnverkehr and the traffic (so-called multi-PUR-float Bridge), is one
Railway bridge.
A bridge, which was planned and built for the eisenbahnverkehr, was used later however only for the traffic, is a
railway bridge.
A bridge, which was planned and built for the eisenbahnverkehr, was however decided before line-up it only for
that Traffic to use, is a railway bridge.
A bridge, those for the eisenbahnverkehr and traffic planned and built (the additional structural measures for a
possible eisenbahnverkehr) became executed, forwards Line-up was however decided it only for that Traffic to use,
is a railway bridge.
A bridge, which serves streetcar traffic, is not Railway bridge, but a bridge with strassenbahnschienen. In
Framework of the Eisenbahnthemetik is it however also as railway bridge to list.
A bridge, which leads across a railway route, is not Railway bridge.
Group of motives of civil
engineerings e.V.
About criticism and comments on this list I would be pleased much, because with all attention one overlooks something
or it nevertheless again and again creeps errors.
Do you want to deliver a comment?
Credit It additional information?
Don't you agree with my conclusions?
Then you have here the possibility of stating your opinion to a larger set.
Or do you want to only read the comments ?
I thank you Jon Digranes, which supported me with its knowledge and me it with for the availabilty of the
technical possibilities enabled to create such a page.
Particularly to thank you I would like me here with the collecting tank friends Wolfgang Beier, Arthur N. Dyson,
Wolfgang Joeckel, Hans Josef Kirsch, William Leopold (group of motives of civil engineerings), Rolf Moebius
and CH. Marx me by fast and global information the work very much facilitated and at all made only possible.
During the identification of the railway bridges I could do me particularly on the list of the Collecting tank
friend William Leopold, Ploen (member of the group of motives Civil engineerings) and our members Hans
Josef Kirsch and Arthur N. Dyson, England as well as the news sheets of the group of motives of
civil engineerings support
Peter Beyer: Of of the Goeltzschtal and of the Elstertal bridge, set museum castle Mulau 1986 [ Beyer ]
Marcus Binney & David Pearce: Railway Architecture, Bloomsbury Books London 1985, ISBN 0-906223-62-8 [
MT ]
Ulrich Boeyung: Iron railway bridges in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Konrad Theiss publishing house Stuttgart 1995,
ISBN 3-8062-1181-7
Fritz Borchert: The Leipzig Dresdner railway, VEB publishing house Transpress Berlin 1989, ISBN 3-344-00354-2
[ FB ]
David J.Brown: Bridges, sub-title bold constructions over rivers, valleys, seas, (from the English, title: Bridges -
Three Thousand Years OF Defying Nature by Reed Consumer Books), publishing house George D.w. Callwey
GmbH and CO Munich, 1994, ISBN 3-7667-1114-8 [ railways ]
Richard J. Cook: The Beauty OF Railroad Bridges in North America - Then and Now, golden west Books, San
Marino California, 3. Edition 1994, ISBN 0-87095-097-5 [ Cook ]
Eggermann/Lanfranconi/Winter/Kalt/Trueb: The course by that God hard, Orell and Fuessli publishing house
Zurich and Wiesbaden 1981, ISBN 3-280-01258-9 [ ELWKT ]
Railway courier Special 53, the " bird airline " with that Sections: The train ferries, the Fehmarnsundbruecke, new
one Verkehersstroeme after the turn, the new " double final ferries, EK publishing house Freiburg 1999
Malcolm Fletcher / John Taylor: Railways the first century, Transpress publishing house Stuttgart 1996, ISBN
3-344-71018-4 [ MF ]
Andre Fonnet / Yves Broncard: Course experience France, Orell and Fuessli publishing house Zurich and
Wiesbaden 1988, ISBN 3-280-01863-3 [ MF ]
A.m. Goodbody and C.a. hard: Railway on Stamps, volume 1: Eastern Europe (I), 1974, ISBN 0 90263325 2, [
GO ]
A.m. Goodbody and C.a. hard: Railway on Stamps, volume 1: Eastern Europe (II), 1975, ISBN 0 90263326 0, [
GO ]
A.m. Goodbody and C.a. hard: Railway on Stamps, volume 2: Western Europe (III), 1975, ISBN 0 90263328 7, [
GO ]
A.m. Goodbody and C.a. hard: Railway on Stamps, volume 2: Western Europe (IV), 1975, ISBN 0 90263334 1, [
GO ]
A.m. Goodbody and C.a. hard: Railway on Stamps, volume 2: Western Europe (V), 1979, ISBN 0,902,633 54 6, [
GO ]
A.m. Goodbody and C.a. hard: Railway on Stamps, volume 3: Africa (VI), 1983, ISBN 0 902633 88 0, [ GO ]
A.m. Goodbody and C.a. hard: Railway on Stamps, volume 3: Africa (VII), 1985, ISBN 0 948251 04 2, [ GO ]
Markus make no secret: Railway bridges, EK publishing house GmbH Freiburg, 1999 [ make no secret ]
Charlotte Jurecka / bridges, sub-titles: Historical development - Fascination of the technique, publishing house
Anton Schroll & CO. Vienna Munich 2. Aflage 1986 (1979), ISBN 3-7031-0620-4 [ CJ ]
G.j.l. Koolhof: De spoorbrug bij Culemborg 1868 - 1982, 1982 [ Kool ]
William Leopold: List of all bridges on stamps until 1974, [ L ]
William Leopold: Would list all railway bridges on stamps to 1995, as supplement of above list, [ L2 ]
Locomotive magazine, Franckh' publishing house Stuttgart, ISBN 3-440-04718-9 [ LM with number of the output ]
News sheets of the group of motives of civil engineerings, [ MMI also Booklet number ]
Hans Pottgiesser: Railway bridges from two centuries, Birkhaeuser publishing house Basel Boston Stuttgart 1985,
ISBN 3-7643-1677-2, [ Pottg ]
RAILHOBBY: Bruggen in wekelijkheid EN OI de modelbaan, Wegener publishing house Diemen Holland 1999
Ralf novel Rossberg: History of the railway, Sigloch service edition Kuenzelsau 1977 [ RRR ]
Statens Jaernvager: Arstabron, Eifels Boktryckeri OFF, Eksjoe 1983, ISBN 91-86178-03-2, [ SJ ]
Markus Widmer: Railway bridges, Switzerland Germany Austria, Transpress publishing house Stuttgart 1995,
ISBN 3-344-71019-2, [ Widmer ]
Mao Yi-sheng: Bridges in China old and new, Foreign LANGUAGES press Peking 1978, [ Mao ]
Zu den Listen |
Brücken #1 | Brücken #2 | Brücken #3 | Brücken #4 | Brücken #5 |
Brücken #6 | Brücken #7 | Brücken# 8 | Brücken #9 | Brücken #10 |
Brücken # 11 | Brücken # 12 |
Aktualisert 25. März, 2000 |