Wer als Anfänger eine Sammlung aufbauen will, für den
empfehlen sich neben den Kataloginformationen die folgenden Schriften:
- A.M. Goodbody and C.A. Hart: Railway on Stamps, Volume 1: Eastern
Europe (I), 1974, ISBN 0 90263325 2, [GO]
- A.M. Goodbody and C.A. Hart: Railway on Stamps, Volume 1: Eastern
Europe (II), 1975, ISBN 0 90263326 0, [GO]
- A.M. Goodbody and C.A. Hart: Railway on Stamps, Volume 2: Western
Europe (III), 1975, ISBN 0 90263328 7, [GO]
- A.M. Goodbody and C.A. Hart: Railway on Stamps, Volume 2: Western
Europe (IV), 1975, ISBN 0 90263334 1, [GO]
- A.M. Goodbody and C.A. Hart: Railway on Stamps, Volume 2: Western
Europe (V), 1979, ISBN 0 902 633 54 6, [GO]
- A.M. Goodbody and C.A. Hart: Railway on Stamps, Volume 3: Africa
(VI), 1983, ISBN 0 902633 88 0, [GO]
- A.M. Goodbody and C.A. Hart: Railway on Stamps, Volume 3: Africa
(VII), 1985, ISBN 0 948251 04 2, [GO]
- C. A. Hart: The Railway Theme - A study of Railways on stamps
published by the Railway Philatelic Group 1970
- Jean-Jaques Leblache: Les Chemins de Fer Racontes par un siecle de
timbres-poste Paris 1972
- Hans D. Reichardt: Eisenbahn auf Briefmarken, Alba Verlag
Düsseldorf 1978, ISBN 3-87094-048-4
- James Watson: Stamps and Railways published by Faber London 1960